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Abortion Resources


Planned Parenthood is one of the nation’s leading providers of high-quality, affordable health care. With or without insurance, you can always come to us for your health care.

At Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, we offer both medication abortion and in-health center abortion services.  

Our expert staff welcome everyone. Book your appointment today.

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte operates 34 health centers in mid-California and Northern Nevada.

Preparing for your abortion

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte operates 34 health centers in mid-California and Northern Nevada.

We offer both procedural abortions and medication abortions to patients at various health centers.  Our team is available to answer your specific questions and to connect you to resources to support your travel needs.

Cost and funding for all appointments

Fees are based on a sliding scale and are determined by the patient’s monthly income and number of dependents. This means, you pay what you can afford. 

Bottom Line: We work with patients to ensure that ability to pay is not a barrier to care. 

Other organizations that may be able to help with financial assistance include:

  1. National Abortion Hotline - National Abortion Federation
  2. Find an Abortion Fund - National Network of Abortion Funds
  3. ACCESS RJ: Abortion and Healthcare Resources
  4. Help Paying for Abortion in California
  5. Wild West Access Fund of Nevada

Abortion FAQ


We offer medication abortion at all PPMM health centers in California and Nevada.

In-health center abortion is only available a specific PPMM locations listed below.

Before your appointment

What is an abortion? 

Medication abortion or the “Abortion pill” is the popular name for using two medicines to end a pregnancy before 11 weeks gestation. Mifepristone is the first pill you will take in the health center and starts the abortion process by stopping the pregnancy hormone called progesterone from supporting the pregnancy. 

The second medicine, misoprostol, opens the cervix and makes the uterus contract. This medication is taken 24-48 hours after the first pill and helps to empty the uterus, completing the process. The whole process is also called medication abortion.    Save

An In-Health Center abortion is done at the health center by using suction to take the pregnancy out of the uterus.  You may also need a combination of pills, surgical tools, and/or dilators to open your cervix and take the pregnancy out of the uterus depending on how long a person has been pregnant. We determine how long a person is pregnant by counting from the first day of the last period or by having an ultrasound.   

How well does abortion work? 

Medication abortion is 94% to 99% effective when taken with mifepristone and misoprostol. Efficiency also depends how far along you are in the pregnancy. Some people need to take an extra dose of misoprostol.  

Please see the chart below based on how effective it is: 

8 weeks or less  

About 94 to 98 out of 100 times, depending on when you take misoprostol  

From 8 to 9 weeks  

About 94 to 96 out of 100 times, depending on when you take misoprostol  

From 9 to 10 weeks  

About 95 to 99 out of 100 times, with two doses of misoprostol  

From 10 to 11 weeks

About 87 out of 100 times when taking one dose of misoprostol

About 98 out of 100 times when taking two doses of misoprostol

In-health center abortion almost always works – over 99% of the time.  

Do I need anyone else’s consent to make an appointment or have an abortion? 

State laws vary on parental involvement for minors under 18 seeking general health care and abortion services. If you are under 18, the law in the state where you are seeking an appointment or an abortion will apply, not the state you live in or traveled from.   

In the states of California and Nevada, parental consent is not required for any type of appointment. You are also not required, under any circumstance, to get your spouse or partner’s consent to make or have an appointment or an abortion in California or Nevada.  

Will anyone know about my appointment? 

No— your information is always kept private and confidential no matter what type of appointment you schedule at PPMM.   

 However, if you use insurance to pay for your procedure, and are not the primary member of the policy, you should contact your insurer to ask about their privacy policies. 

Can I bring my child or children to the abortion appointment?  

During a medication abortion, you will be given instructions on how to take the pills. If you feel you can both monitor your child or children and have the ability to ask any questions you have about the process, then it is okay to bring your child or children to the visit. Your child or children will have to remain with you at all times in the exam room and cannot be looked after by a staff member or be left unmonitored. Bringing another adult to watch them during your appointment is preferred, but not required. If children are 14 years or older, they may stay in the lobby unattended.  

During an in-health center abortion, you will not be able to watch or monitor your child or children. Please do not bring your child or children with you. Our waiting room is small and the appointment is long. If you bring your child or children with you, you must bring another adult to watch them during your appointment.  

How do I schedule any type of health appointment? 

You can make an appointment of any kind online, including medication and in-center abortion, through our website or you can call us. We are here to answer any questions you may have about your appointment or your general health care!   

During your appointment

What will happen to me during the abortion? 

During a medication abortion, nothing generally happens after taking the first medicine in the office. It is once you take the second medicine, misoprostol, 24-48 hours after the first pill which opens the cervix and makes the uterus contract. Misoprostol helps to empty the uterus, causing you to bleed and have cramps, so plan ahead before you take it: 

  • Choose a time when you can be private and rest for a while after you take it.    

  • Plan to have someone you trust on hand to help you out.  

  • Buy maxi pads, pain medicine, food, and anything else you think you will need.  

During an in-health center abortion, your medical provider will use their fingers to do a pelvic exam to check the placement of your uterus. They will then use surgical tools to open your cervix. You may be given oral medications to help open your cervix more or your medical provider will stretch it with instruments. When your cervix is open enough, a small plastic tube will be put into your uterus and connected to a suction machine to empty your uterus. The way the abortion is done will depend on how long you’ve been pregnant. You may feel cramping during and after the in-health center abortion, as your uterus gets smaller. What has been removed will then be examined by your provider to ensure the in-health center abortion is complete. This process takes approximately 10-15 minutes, but the process to complete your care is 3-4 hours from check in to check out. 

Can I change my mind once I get to the office and have an ultrasound? 

YES! No one should be forced or feel forced to have any medical procedure or appointment they don't want to. Having an abortion is an elective procedure and is your choice. Planned Parenthood is here to support you in whatever decision or timeline is best for you and our staff is available to talk with you about your decision. You can change your mind at any time during your appointment, even up until your procedure has begun and you will be refunded for all services not yet completed.  

How long will I be at the health center? 

The process to provide patients medication abortion is about three to four hours from check in to check out. This includes completing paperwork, medical history review, ultrasound, reviewing your options and decision, lab work, exam, and providing the medication. 

While the in-health center abortion procedure itself takes about 10-15 minutes, the process to complete your care is three to four hours from check in to check out. This includes completing paperwork, medical history review, ultrasound, reviewing your options and decision, lab work, exam, procedure, and the recovery period after the procedure.  

Some of that total time will be spent waiting, so you may want to bring something to read or listen to using headphones.  

Will I be given pain medicine during my abortion? 

For a medication abortion, over the counter medication such as ibuprofen is the best way to manage discomfort. This will be provided to you at the health center.  

For an in-health center abortion, you may be eligible to receive sedation and we can talk with you about your options when you are here. If you are eligible for sedation, you may feel more relaxed during the procedure and, in some cases, you may fall asleep.  

You may also choose to have no sedation, or to be referred elsewhere for another kind of sedation. We can talk about any of these options with you and help you with whatever you decide to do.  

If you receive sedation, the medicine can last in your system for several hours after you leave, so you need to leave the health center with a responsible adult who will drive or ride other transportation with you.  

What will happen to me after the abortion? 

The second part of completing the medication abortion is taking misoprostol (the second pill) 24-48 hours after the first pill you took in the health center. Once you take the misoprostol, you will start to have strong cramps and bleeding within one to four hours. It can last for hours. It is heaviest when the pregnancy comes out. The pregnancy tissue is small. You may not see it. You might see it if you are more than eight weeks pregnant. At eight weeks, the pregnancy tissue is about a quarter to a half inch long. At ten to eleven weeks, the pregnancy tissue is one to two inches long.  Cramping and bleeding will slow down after it comes out.  

After an in-health center abortion, you will spend time in a recovery area to rest. We will also watch to see if you are alright. You will be given instructions on what to expect, how to care for yourself, and reasons to contact us. We can talk about a birth control plan with you if you’d like. Most people are ready to leave in about 15 to 45 minutes.  

After your appointment

What are the side effects after an abortion? 

Medication abortion side effects usually do not last long. They usually need little or no treatment.    

  • Cramping is expected — It will be the worst soon after you take the misoprostol. Milder cramps may last a day or two after that.    

  • Bleeding is expected — It will be heaviest soon after you take the misoprostol. You may bleed or spot for four to six weeks after the abortion.  

  • Fever — Feeling feverish with temperature of 100.4 or less is okay within 24 hours of taking misoprostol.  

  • Breast changes — Tenderness should go away in a few days. You may leak a milky discharge. Wear a snug-fitting bra if you do. This should stop in one or two days.  

  • Other effects — It is common to have chills, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, back pain, and tiredness.  

In-health center abortion side effects don’t usually last long and don’t need to be treated. Most people feel like light or medium bleeding and/or cramping.   

  • Bleeding — Some vaginal bleeding is normal after an in-clinic abortion or suction procedure. It may be different from your period. It is normal to have no bleeding, spotting that lasts up to six weeks, heavy bleeding for a few days, or bleeding that stops and starts again.   

  • Cramping — You may have cramps. Use a heating pad or hot water bottle, take pain medicine, and rest.  

  • Breast changes — Tenderness should go away in a few days. You may leak a milky discharge. Wear a snug-fitting bra if you do. This should stop in one or two days.  

  • Your next period — When your next period will come depends on the birth control method you use. If you are not using birth control, you should have a period within eight weeks of the abortion or suction procedure. If you are not using birth control and you do not get a period within eight weeks, call the health center.  

What else do I need to know? 

When thinking about or having a medication abortion or in-health center abortion, having a wide range of feelings is normal. Most people feel relieved and do not regret their decision. Others may feel sadness, guilt, or regret after an abortion, just as they may after having a baby. If your mood keeps you from doing the things you usually do each day, call us. We also provide resources, or we can send you to someone who has additional resources.  

When can I return to my normal activities after an abortion? 

After a medication abortion, plan on relaxing for the rest of the day after the pregnancy comes out. Most people return to their normal activities the next day, but do NOT do hard work or heavy exercise for several days.   

You can have sex as soon as you feel ready. You can get pregnant again within two weeks of the abortion, so you should start your birth control as you were instructed. We can talk to you at your appointment if you haven’t chosen a method yet.    

After an in-health center abortion, plan on relaxing for the rest of the day. Most people return to their normal activities the next day. You can exercise when you feel ready. Fill and take any prescriptions you may have been given for antibiotics, birth control, or other medicine.  

If you received sedation during the procedure, do not operate heavy machinery (like a car, truck, or motorized bike) or make important decisions for at least 24 hours after receiving the medication, as it takes some time for your body to fully process the drugs.  

You can have sex as soon as you feel ready. You can get pregnant again within two weeks of the in-clinic abortion, so you should start your birth control as you were told by the clinic staff. We can help you if you haven’t chosen a method yet.   

Can I use tampons or maxi pads after an abortion? 

After a medication abortion or in-health center abortion, using maxi pads makes it easier to tell how much you are bleeding during and after your abortion. You can use tampons when the heavy bleeding lets up.   

What about breastfeeding after having an abortion? 

After a medication abortion, both misoprostol and mifepristone can pass into your natural milk supply in small amounts after you take it. These amounts shouldn’t cause any problems for you or your baby. Your baby can have diarrhea after you take misoprostol.  Tell your doctor or nurse if you’re breastfeeding/chestfeeding so you can work out the best plan together.  

If you receive sedation medication for pain and relaxing during your in-health center abortion, small amounts may pass into your natural milk supply. This might make a baby sleepy after feeding. Tell your doctor or nurse if you’re breastfeeding/chestfeeding so you can work out the best plan together.  

What if I have questions after I leave the health center? 

Most people have no problems after having a medication abortion or in-health center abortion, but we will provide you with printed information to help you remember the information we tell you. We are also here to help during or after business hours if you have any questions that you need help with at 877-855-7526. 

Book your appointment today

You can privately and easily book your appointment online for select services 24/7. For the full set of services, you can call 877.855.7526 to book your appointment. Health center staff can also answer any questions you may have.

We offer medication abortion at all PPMM health centers in California and Nevada.

In-Health Center Abortion Sites:

Seaside Health Center

625 Hilby Avenue Seaside, CA 93955

  • In-health center abortion up to 20 weeks

Getting here by plane, from the following major airports:

By plane, from the following smaller airports:

B Street Health Center

201 29th Street, Suite B Sacramento, CA 95816

Bakersfield Health Center

2633 16th St, Bakersfield, CA 93301

  • In-health center abortion up to 18 weeks

Getting here by plane, from the following major airports:

Fulton Health Center

650 N Fulton St, Fresno, CA 93728

  • In-health center abortion up to 20 weeks

Getting here by plane, from the following major airports:

By plane, from the following smaller airports:

Coliseum Health Center

4555 Precissi Ln, Stockton, CA 95207

  • In-health center abortion up to 20 weeks

Getting here by plane, from the following major airports:

North Stockton Health Center

4555 Precissi Lane Stockton, CA 95207

  • In-health center abortion up to 18 weeks

Getting here by plane, from the following major airports:

San Jose Health Center

1691 The Alameda, San Jose, CA 95126

  • In-health center abortion up to 20 weeks

Getting here by plane, from the following major airports:

By plane, from the following smaller airports:

San Mateo Health Center

29 Baywood Ave, San Mateo, CA 94402

  • In-health center abortion up to 16 weeks

Getting here by plane, from the following major airports:

By plane, from the following smaller airports:

Reno Health Center

8025 S Virginia St, Reno, NV 89511

  • In-health center abortion up to 12 weeks

Getting here by plane, from the following major airports:


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